Tai Mo Shan Limited CL-2024-000220 | Serving Papers

Claim No. CL-2024-000220

Tai Mo Shan Limited -v- Persons Unknown (being the person(s) in control of, among other wallets, the wallet on the Ethereum blockchain with public address 0x629e, also known as John Doe Nos. 1-100).

Legal papers relating to the above claim, which in proceedings before the High Courts of England and Wales, are hereby served on the person(s) in control of the following crypto wallets:

Ethereum Wallets

Solana Wallets

by Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP.

Letter to Defendant - 16 July 2024

Claim No. CL-2024-000220

To Persons Unknown (being the person(s) in control of, among other wallets, the wallet on the Ethereum blockchain with public address 0x629e, also known as John Doe Nos. 1-100)

Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s)

On 16 July 2024, at the hearing of Tai Mo Shan Limited’s application for default judgment dated 5 July 2024, the Court made an order granting default judgment on Tai Mo Shan Limited’s claim against you. That order, which is accessible below, is hereby served on you.

If you have any questions, please contact Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP using the contact details provided below as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP

Default Judgment Order - 16 July 2024

Default Judgment Order dated 16 July 2024 is accessible here.

Letter to Defendant - 8 July 2024

Claim No. CL-2024-000220

To Persons Unknown (being the person(s) in control of, among other wallets, the wallet on the Ethereum blockchain with public address 0x629e, also known as John Doe Nos. 1-100)

Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s)

This serves as formal notice to you that:

  1. the Claimant in the above-captioned proceedings, Tai Mo Shan Limited, issued an application on 5 July 2024 seeking (among other things) default judgment on its claim against you, the details of which can be found in the documents linked below, under the heading “Default judgment application dated 5 July 2024”.
  2. the Court has fixed a hearing to determine that application at 9.30am BST on 16 July 2024 before His Honour Judge Pelling KC, with a time estimate of one hour. The hearing will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams.
  3. if you and/or your legal representatives wish to attend the hearing, you must notify the Court via email to shirley.sweeney@justice.gov.uk - copied to jake.calvert@kobrekim.com - by 12.00pm BST on 15 July 2024, including the email addresses of all persons whom you wish to be provided with a link to join the hearing. Please include the claim number (CL-2024-000220) in any communication with the Court.
  4. if you wish to file any documents, including any skeleton argument, for the hearing, you must provide these to the Court via email to shirley.sweeney@justice.gov.uk - copied to jake.calvert@kobrekim.com - by 12.00pm BST on 15 July 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP using the contact details provided below as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP

Initial documents served on the Defendant

Open documents

  • The amended claim form can be found here.
  • The amended particulars of claim can be found here.
  • The notes for the defendant can be found here.
  • The acknowledgment of service can be found here.
  • The sealed version of English Court’s order dated 17 May 2024 can be found here.

Password-protected documents

Information on how to obtain the password required to access the following password-protected documents is provided here.

  • The application bundle for the hearing of an application by the claimant before the High Court of Justice of England and Wales on 17 May 2024 can be found here.
  • The letter to the Commerical Court Listing Office in respect of that application can be found here.
  • The claimant’s skeleton argument for that hearing can be found here.
  • The claimants consolidated authorities bundle can be found here.

Default judgment application dated 5 July 2024

Information on how to obtain the password required to access the following password-protected documents is provided here.

  • A link to the Application Notice can be found here.
  • A link to the Draft Order can be found here
  • A link to the Witness Statement of Andrew Stafford KC dated 5 July 2024, filed in support of the application, can be found here.
  • A link to Exhibit ABS1 (the exhibit to Andrew Stafford KC’s witness statement) can be found here.
  • A link to the Letter sent by Kobre & Kim (UK) LLP to the Commercial Court on 5 July 2024 can be found here.
  • A link to the Enclosures to the above Letter to the Commercial Court can be found here.
  • A link to the Second Witness Statement of Andrew Stafford KC dated 10 July 2024, filed in support of the application, can be found here.
  • A link to Exhibit ABS3 (the exhibit to Andrew Stafford KC’s second witness statement) can be found here.
  • A link to the Claimant’s skeleton argument for the hearing on 16 July 2024 can be found here.
  • A link to the authorities bundle can be found here.
  • A link to the hearing bundle for the hearing on 16 July 2024 can be found here.


Information on how to contact Kobre and Kim (UK) LLP is provided here and here.